Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Weight Loss Wednesday

That time has come round again to don the scales and let you all know how the first week went on the diet :) 

Here are the results :) 
As I started the diet last Monday it is 10 days worth of weight loss including this mornings half a pound that wasn't for budging!

Overall this week has been great, there have been times I have sat day dreaming of a 'big tasty' from McDonalds but after finding out it had over 800 calories I soon snapped out of that and reached for a satsuma instead.

As predicted the water weight dropped off at first but since Saturday I have definitely seen a slow decrease, in a way I am glad because now I know the weight I am loosing is fat. Matt has being saying lovely things like he can see I am thinner but I am not too sure, maybe another 7 pounds before I will tell a difference.

I am currently averaging 500-600 calories a day, it doesn't sound much but once you find low calorie foods that fill you up it really isn't too bad. If you would like to know what I have been eating and making for lunches etc just let me know. 

I still have a long way to go yet and some days all I want to do it go back to my old ways, but where would that leave me, heavier than ever, eating rubbish daily and putting more strain on my joints! At 24 this isn't something I imagined I would be saying. 2013 is a time for change, positive thinking and happy times. I don't want Finley to have a mummy that cant keep up with him, that looks different and is too self conscious to go swimming. No, every time I want to reach in the treat cupboard or order a pizza I think of the amazing years ahead I will have a 'slimmer' me. All the goals I want to accomplish and all it will take is a few more months hard work and I will be there! 

If anyone else would like to join in 'weight loss wednesday' it would be great to know that we are doing it together. Leave a comment below or send me an email and we can encourage each other! 
Good luck everyone and wish me and Matthew good luck too!

Speak soon,
Love Kayleigh x

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