Wednesday 21 August 2013

My Labour and Delivery Story

After a short little break and a quick pit stop for my 25th Birthday I am back with blogging and have some very exciting posts coming up and some fab reviews.
So what have we been up too, George has being running riot! Wow that Puppy has gained some energy these past few weeks....he has become so much more confident and is becoming more and more a part of the family :)
Finley is doing really well, his speech is coming along swimmingly, he is starting to surprise us on a daily basis with new words and also his imaginary play! He will happily sit and 'eat' pretend food from your hand (I am assuming this is the plate in his head) and sit there going 'uhmmmm' 'yummy' 'more' - just a shame he isn't that eager when it actually is tea time. Perhaps he is a lost boy and much prefers imaginary feasts!
I shall be honest, he legs are still a massive weight on my mind and I cant shake it off! We are very close to his appointment - next Tues to be precise so shall keep you all updated on how it goes. I am hoping once we have a answer and then can start looking forwards on how to get him walking. I cant imagine him on his feet, wearing real shoes and not being frustrated he has worn out the knees in his new pants after 3 wears!!! My friend popped over the other day and commented how agile and quick he was on his knees, he zooms every where, carrying his books...even chasing the dog. He doesn't
seem one bit phased by it at all...shame I cant feel the same!
 I thought I would share with you all my most recent upload on my YouTube channel, I go all the way back to the beginning and share Finley's labour and delivery story!
It isn't a massively exciting long labour tale but I did end up with an assisted delivery so If this is something you are interested in OR perhaps a little apprehensive about then take a look. I really hope I can put your mind a rest and send some positive labour vibes your way :)
I am sure I have missed out details or specifics so if you have any questions at all please ask? I had soooo many when pregnant and even now about other people so ask away. Happy to answer anything what-so-ever.
My editing skills are near enough non exsistent lol so I never managed to add any photos to this video so I shall try to make a fun video or blog post of when he was super duper tiny!

So sorry for being such a softy recently and worrying but hopefully soon I will be all back to normal!
Thank you all so much.
Lots of Love
Kayleigh x

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